Thursday, January 2, 2020

Why Do They Pay To Be So Blind?

I reach out from my window
I touch your heart
                through shattered glass
I can’t believe what I see
the sharp thorns and stones
                 that guard your soul
its like the sun peeking at the Earth
                through its own reflection
they don’t know what they’re looking at
nobody knows when to be
                looked down upon like night fall 
its like the fangs of a wolf
                scavenging for food
the claws of a tiger attacking           
                its prey with each swing 
good company will do anything to rip
                you by the root 
why do they pay be see so blind?
it seems they don’t understand
why are they so blind to see?
the beauty possessed before them
why do they fail to hear the words
                 coming from my mouth? 
that they can’t feel my cries
                 screaming from my heart
why are they so disconnected
                to feel the beating of their heart?
that I endure the hate laid before them
why do they pay to be so blind?                    
tears reach out to me
with the cry for help
from the cast of fear 
I won’t let you down
and deceive the wickedness you hear
threats of destruction rip you down
before you realize you’re in shame
it takes boldness to face them
the evil ravages over your life in blame
they will do anything to make you cry
and shout names from their mouth 
why do they pay be see so blind?
it seems they don’t understand
why are they so blind to see?
the beauty possessed before them
why do they fail to hear the words
                coming from my mouth? 
that they can’t feel my cries
                screaming from my heart
why are they so disconnected
                to feel the beating of their heart?
that I endure the hate laid before them
why do they pay to be so blind?      
the words of wisdom
that I set before them 

"Why do They Pay to be so Blind?" 

Red and Blue Dragon Fantasy LLC. 
Ryan Keith Johnson 
Copy Right 2011 
All Rights Reserved. 

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