I’m your death
I’m your hate
I’m your soul
when you’re in fate
I’m your breath
I’m your kiss
I’m your blood
when you’re close to death
I’m your mouth telling you lies
I’m your fist shattering good-byes
I’m the tears that fill your eyes
slow but sudden it prevails and dies
you made your face like steel
when I told you what they said
when you make an iron fist
I whisper to you it’s real
its time to make it like steel
so real you make an iron fist
you’re my everything
the suit
of armor I wear
you’re the dreams
keep me going
when there are those who want to steal
that’s when I call
my revenge
my revenge
I’m your pride
I’m your loss
I’m your spirit
when you die
I am your best friend
when I give you a hand
you need no one
because you got me
you can only hold yourself
back for
so long
you can’t hold
back the anger you have
I knew what you meant
when it
was done
your wounds never healed
you made your face like steel
when I told you what they said
when you make an iron fist
I whisper to you its real
its time to make it like steel
so real you make an iron fist
you’re my everything
the suit
of armor I wear
you’re the dreams
keep me going
when there are those who want to steal
that’s when I call
my revenge
my revenge
"You're My Revenge"
Red and Blue Dragon Fantasy LLC.
Ryan Keith Johnson
Copy Right 2011
All Rights Reserved.
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